Friday, July 3, 2015

A Little Welcome...

So I created a blogger account back in ’08 and I stopped using it; I made another one back in 2014 and, I’m guessing because Google took over blogger, my old account became obsolete. Anywho, I’m gonna try this blogger thing again.

So let's be formally (re)introduced shall we?

Hey everybody,

I’m Dee, not telling y’all my real name it's not necessary unless you know me personally. I’m 24, God willing I’ll be 25 in January. I live in the U.S. unfortunately, I’m from Alabama…I’m a girl, correction I’m a grown ass lady. Uh, what else…oh, I’m Black-I’ll never be ashamed of saying that. I’m in college, working on my bachelor’s degree in sociology (the story of how I ended up being 25 getting a bachelor’s degree is another story/blog). I’m a writer; I’ve been writing in a public space for about 4 years now. I am a Christian, wholeheartedly and unapologetically…but I’m not your average Christian though, we’ll have that conversation in another post. 
Um…I love this  show called Once Upon a Time; I kinda have an unhealthy obsession with one of the main characrters, Regina Mills; actually I have an unhealthy obsession with the actress who plays Regina-Lana Parrilla. I have friends, not many but the ones I have are pretty awesome. I’m a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a niece, a cousin,  a friend and so many other things. The point of this blog is for me to have a safe place to share my thoughts…and if I try writing every day, I’ll get better at it and maybe I’ll be able to tame my writing muse and finish a couple of WIPs (that’s Works In Progress) I’m working on. 
But yeah, that’s about it as far as getting to know me. You can expect random blogs about stuff, nothing too mundane like what I ate for breakfast and shit like that…oh yeah, I’m probably gonna say lots of swear words-maybe; if I offend you, I'm sorry? With all of the events surrounding race and racism in America, I’ll probably be doing a bunch of blogs related to things about Black people. So if you the subject makes you uncomfortable then…this isn’t the blog for you.

Feel free to follow me on social media:
Twitter: Dee_0191
Instagram: Dee_0191
Periscope: Dee_0191
Tumblr: TheworldaccordingtoDee
Wattpad: Dee_0191
Fanfiction:DocMcRegals (if you’re into fanfiction)
Snapchat: Dee_0191 (when I figure what the fuck to do! Lol)
YouTube: daviacarter91 (I post videos occasionally; I may start posting more videos one day, when I’m not so camera shy)

I hope you all enjoy my random ass blog!


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