Friday, July 3, 2015

Why I Won't Be Celebrating Independence Day...

So, this post may be controversial for some…but fuck it, I’m posting it anyway.

I won’t be celebrating Independence Day this year.


Why the hell should I celebrate the independence of a nation that treats its citizens of the darker skin tone like second class citizens? Why should I celebrate a country that doesn’t give a damn about me? Why the HELL should I celebrate a country that thinks that it’s perfectly okay to allow a man to go into a church, MY church and kill people who look like me? Why should I wave around the American flag when it’s basically ILLEGAL to be Black? Why should I celebrate the freedom of a country when my own people are still enslaved? No, Blacks may not be wearing physical chains, but we’re still enslaved by racism, cultural appropriation, white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, and that goddamn confederate flag.

Why should I be proud to celebrate a country that tells me that my features, my hips, my curves, my lips, my thighs are only good enough when they’re on the body of another woman who isn’t as dark as me, hell who isn’t even Black at all (Looking at you Kim K)? Why should I be proud of a nation that tells me my braids, my curls, my natural hair, my headscarves, my durags are ‘unprofessional’, but yet those fuckers in fashion week can walk down a runway in braids and it’s ‘so edgy’? A designer can take MY durag and turn it into a ‘fashion statement’? Why should I hold up the American flag and sing the national anthem when everything I do, is unacceptable, ghetto, ratchet? But yet white people do the same shit and don’t get called half of the names we, Black people do.

Why should I be proud to live in America when people like Donald fucking Trump have the right to say that people from Mexico are drug dealers, rapists and criminals? Donald Trump, my sister-in-laws, my nieces, my cousins are descendents of Mexico…they’re not any of the things you said. Why should I celebrate a country that has allowed my people, my ancestors, my brothers, my sisters to be beaten, raped, killed in cold blood…and nothing is said except that it was somehow our fault or that we somehow deserved to die? Why the FUCK should I be proud of a country that tells me my music is more problematic than a person who kills me because my skin is dark?

Nope, fuck that shit; I am NOT celebrating Independence Day on Saturday…there’s nothing for me to celebrate. When congress makes it legal for me to be Black…then I’ll fly all the American flags, sing the national anthem, pledge allegiance to the flag all they want me to.
Until then, I ain’t doin that shit…nope. On Saturday, I’ll be looking good and eating good…not thinking about racist ass America.


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